The Role of the Gut in Immune Health

As Grace touched on in last week’s email, there are many factors which contribute to a happy, healthy immune system. Today I would like to focus on the role of our “gut”. Our GALT (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue) starts in our mouths. As such it is our first point of contact when it comes to ingesting toxins, allergens etc

The key as with most things is prevention. Take a few minutes to think about the last 3-6 months and what they’ve entailed for you. Then consider the list below and see just how many boxes you can tick.

Have you:

been under considerable stress (whether at work or at home)

taken antibiotics

taken the oral contraceptive pill

lost a loved one or ended a relationship

had allergies

had a diet high in sugar (remember this can be something as simple as a diet high in white breads, pastas etc)

consumed alcohol

had food poisoning or gastro