Well it’s  that time of year again.  As much as we love our kids, a collective sigh of relief can be heard once the new school term has started once again.  No more sibling rivalry over the TV remote or cries of boredom, but something that resembles more of a routine. There’s lots of things to consider when your child is heading off to school.  Regardless of age there are often mixed feelings – fear, anxiety and stress to name a few.  And I’m just talking about the kids!  As much as these will always play a role in our lives, there are many herbs and nutrients that can help to take the edge off and allow your child to integrate into their school lives more smoothly.

Anxiety can interfere with children’s confidence, attention and behaviour and is often associated with ADHD in children. The herb Passion flower can help to calm children whilst improving focus and behaviour. German chamomile is another great herb for children who might be anxious or stressed as it is gentle and calming. Another herb called Zizyphus is also useful for childhood anxiety and stress. The combination of these three herbs can help children get off to sleep as well calming them down if they are experiencing day time anxiety. Other nutrients such as magnesium and calcium also play a role in helping kids if they are stressed. These herbs and minerals are best given in a powdered form so you adjust the dose to suit your child’s needs. Talk to us about whether this combination is suitable for your child.
You’ve heard of the benefits of omega-3 essential fatty acids. It is mainly the DHA component of omega-3 fatty acids that is responsible for assisting with normal brain and visual function. In fact the brain and retina (in the eye) contain the highest content of DHA of any tissues. DHA has been shown in a number of experiments to enhance learning and memory.  Where learning difficulties are an issue, DHA from purified fish oil is an excellent choice. Let’s face it, most kids don’t eat enough oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, so if you are looking for an easy way to get DHA into your children then come into the clinic where we can discuss some of the great tasting options available.


Herbs that support brain function include Brahmi, Ginkgo and Gotu Kola. These herbs have been shown to improve memory and learning in children by improving their focus and resilience under pressure. These herbs may be particularly useful if your children have poor concentration. I often find prescribing herbs such as these in liquid form but in drop dosages is the most effective form of delivery.  Compliance is often quite high and if you do find your kids are struggling with the taste, we have some fantastic recipes to help disguise the taste!

So, here’s some simple recommendations to maximise your child’s learning experience:

• Make sure your children eat a nutritious breakfast – there are many cereals out there that contain high levels of sugar, which can affect their concentration.  Choose a whole-grain, healthy cereal for their breakfast. Eggs are also a great way to start the day, as the protein can help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels throughout the morning.  Studies have shown children who consume breakfast have much greater memory retention and cope better with stress.
• Get your children off to bed at a reasonable time. Children need more sleep than adults and lack of sleep can affect their learning.
• Get into a regular routine and stick to it; this will make the start and end of the day less stressful for both you and your children.
• Encourage your kids to talk about their day, this helps them develop their communication skills and can give you valuable insight into how they are going. If you sense any problems, discuss it with their teacher.Want the best for your children? These are just some of the great natural options available from our clinic for optimising the health of your children and helping you and them get through these first weeks of school. We have many other natural health solutions specifically tailored to meet the needs of your kids.
by Juanita Emmerton, ND
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