After eating, digesting and metabolising, food releases either acid or alkaline secretions into the circulation.  The combination of an acidic environment with emotional stress, high toxin exposure, exercise and aging can result in an increased acid load in the body.  Optimal human health requires a balance between acidity and alkalinity so that enzyme efficiency and metabolic functions are supported.


Our typical Western diet, combined with toxins, stress exposure and increased age yields a heavy acid load and often, this load is far more than the body can cope with.  A regular intake of alkalising minerals is considered a vital component in the management of a modern lifestyle.


Rebalancing the acid-alkaline levels in your body is the one crucial and easy step you should take every day towards being healthy and energetic.


As we age, as do our kidneys and they are less capable of flushing the body of toxins.  Each of our cells is surrounded by a gel-like substance called an extracellular matrix, which contains connective tissue, nerve endings and immune factors.  Approximately 20% of our body weight is made up of extracellular matrix.  Unfortunately in acidic conditions, the extracellular matrix is unable to protect our cells from damage which causes toxins and waste to build up in the body causing cell damage and inflammation.  Painful joints can also result from excessive swelling of connective tissue as well.


In our next post we will highlight some of the signs of acidosis in the body.