Frequently Asked Questions

Consultations begin with a detailed case history & discussion of presenting complaints & then progress to assess a person’s history, family history & then a systematic review of the body systems. A patient may present with numerous complaints, however, the role of the Naturopath is to piece together each person’s jigsaw puzzle. Assessment also considers a person’s physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health. If you have any prior blood test results or supplements you may currently be taking please bring these with you to the consultation.

At the first consultation you will be given a self-assessment form. This form asks you to review your dietary and lifestyle practices for one week. Most people thoroughly enjoy this exercise as it confirms their active role in improving their health and wellbeing. It also connects them too greater awareness of the links and patterns in their life that may be contributing to their current state of health.

How long will it take?
Treatment results vary depending on the individual and their presenting complaint. Some individuals obtain quick results whilst others take several months or longer. As a general rule, the longer you have been experiencing your complaint for, the longer you will require treatment. It is important to remember that the healing process takes time. We are not trying to simply alleviate your symptoms; our aim is to bring you to a greater level of health. Natural medicines take longer to work, so it is vital to be patient and continue with your treatment plan as outlined to achieve your treatment goals. Any queries you have around this should be discussed with Juanita.

As a general rule, required appointments initially may be every 2 weeks in stage 1, every 4 weeks in stage 2 and then as needed for maintenance. This obviously depends on the type of treatment program required and the severity of your condition.

Initial treatment
This stage is typically where most people begin their naturopathic care. The primary focus in this stage is to reduce your symptoms and to stabilise your condition.

Maintenance and supportive treatment
The second stage of treatment is where we focus on treating the underlying cause of your condition. Whilst your symptoms may have been alleviated, the objective is to ensure that we can eliminate the cause of your symptoms.

Wellness treatment
This stage of treatment is where we have successfully eliminated your complaint and are able to offer you improved levels of health and wellbeing. Patients tend to seek treatment on an as needed basis (typically 1-2x/year) to ensure long-term health and wellbeing.

Lifecycle treatment
In addition, patients seek treatment during important life cycle stages such as pregnancy, birth and labour, breastfeeding, puberty or palliative care.

Treatment support
Throughout your treatment you may be recommended various supplements, herbal medicines or other medicines. Liquid herbal medicines are formulated on the spot and contain a unique formulation. These medications are specific for your presentation and have been carefully selected for your individual requirements. Please be careful to not share your prescriptions with others.