
50g dried organic elderberries
25g organic rosehips
25g organic hibiscus
¼ cup freshly grated ginger
2 cinnamon sticks
¼ cup cloves (optional)
4 cups of filtered water
1 cup of raw (or Manuka) honey

Simmer all ingredients except for honey in a large pot for 2hrs.
Strain mixture into a large sterilised jar. A mason jar is ideal. Squeeze as much juice as you can before discarding the berries.
Add raw honey (note: it is important not to add the honey before now so not to destroy any therapeutic value with the heat)
Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Use daily neat, diluted in water, water kefir or with mineral water. A great preventative to build up the immune system. Add to gelatin to make you own immune enhancing gummies!