By Marion McConnell, ND



Your child’s immune system and gastro-intestinal system are intricately connected, and are both involved in the development of allergies.  While your child is young, these systems are still developing and are therefore highly susceptible to environmental toxins.  Ensuring the proper development of these systems will provide a strong foundation for health throughout your child’s life.

Allergies are usually a sign of dysfunction in your immune barriers (skin, and the lining of your respiratory and digestive tract), and are therefore not ‘normal’.  Allergy medications such as anti-histamines merely mask the allergic symptoms, but do not correct the problem that is underlying the allergic reactions.



While your genes may influence your risk of developing allergies, there are many other contributing factors.  A healthy pregnancy, natural birth and breast feeding for at least six months, are the initial ways to strengthen your child’s immune system.  As your child grows it is important they are not kept ‘sterile’ and covered in ‘anti-bacterial’ products, as exposure to microbes is how our immune system develops resistance to allergens and infections.  The use of anti-bacterial products has been linked to an increase in allergic conditions, as has the overuse of antibiotics, as they deplete our natural immune defenses.  The over use of vaccinations for non-fatal diseases, may also be contributing to an overload on your child’s developing immune system and increase their risk of developing allergies.  Sugar, processed foods and toxins from food/cleaning/skin products also impair immune system function.



The introduction of grains, pasteurised dairy, soy and egg before the age of 6 months has been shown to increase the risk of allergies.  However, the consumption of a variety of foods by toddlers, has been shown to reduce later allergy development.  Food allergies tend to develop when a very narrow selection of food is consumed, therefore lots of variety in your child’s diet is essential.



There are many herbs and nutrients which can reduce the severity and frequency of allergies, atopic skin conditions such as eczema and asthma.  These include Baical Skullcap, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Zinc, and vitamins A, C and D.  There are also natural treatments to repair the lining of the digestive tract, restore digestive microflora and correct  nutritional deficiencies.  Treating allergies requires at least 3-6 months to restore proper immune and digestive function, and is best achieved under the guidance of a qualified naturopath.

Naturally enhance your child’s immune system at home with a whole foods diet with lots of vegetables, healthy fats (organic butter, extra virgin coconut oil, cold pressed olive oil, avocado), organic homemade broths and quality protein (organic eggs/poultry/meat, salmon, legumes, nuts and seeds).  Eating organic where possible reduces your child’s exposure to pesticides and ensures the animal products consumed are conducive to health.  Reducing your child’s exposure to environmental toxins is also something you can do at home, by using natural cleaning and skin products.  Adequate rest, exercise and water are also essential for optimal immune function.  By naturally supporting your child’s immune system, you will help provide them with greater protection against infection and allergic conditions, both now and in the future.