Super Smoothie

by Marion McConnell Use organic ingredients where possible 1 banana, peeled and break into a few pieces 1/3 cup frozen blueberries 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp cacao powder 2 tsp flax/linseeds or chia seeds 1 handful of kale 3/4 cup oat or other milk 2 dessert spoons...

Red Suva’s March Newsletter

It’s hard to believe it is Autumn already! Where has the year gone? I know it seems a little premature but now is the ideal time to commence immune building. We often leave it until Winter or even once we start to get sick to start boosting our immune system....

Grounding Foods

by Juanita Emmerton, ND When we talk of grounding foods and herbs many of us don’t know exactly what this means. I am often asked; doesn’t this only relate to crystals? and how can a food be grounding?. The simple answer is no; there are many ways of...